It’s time to cut back most of the 12,000 roses in the park, to prepare the plants for winter. This half day event is open to the public, and people are encouraged to help Columbus Recreation and Park Department staff and volunteers with this end of season task.

To participate, meet in the volunteer office at the south end of the covered shelter house at 8:30 am, Saturday, November 19th. Bring garden gloves and either hand pruners or long handled loppers. Dress warmly, as work will continue unless it is actively raining. The event will last several hours and light refreshments will be served.

Volunteers are a very important part of keeping the 13 acre park looking its best year round. This event marks the end of the volunteer season for 2016. The season will begin again with the annual spring pruning in late March, 2017 and continue weekly until mid-September.

There are three volunteer groups who work in the different gardens within the park. Roses, perennials and herbs each have different needs, types of care and methods of pruning. For more information about the volunteer groups, visit

group photo of volunteers near truck

Fall cutback, 2015. Photo courtesy of Ted Shigley, Park of Roses volunteer.