While many people mainly think of roses when they think of The Park of Roses (POR), it is so much more! Framing the beautiful roses are over 160 species of trees and close to 70 shrubs. Without this frame that provides garden interest throughout the year, the garden would look bare.

ArbNet, through the Morton Arboretum in Chicago, is an international accreditation program whose goals are to: 1) foster the establishment and professionalism of arboreta; 2) identify arboreta capable of participating or collaborating in certain scientific, collections or conservation activities; and 3) advance the planting, study and conservation of trees to improve the world. In 2016, the CPOR achieved ArbNet arboretum status at Level I.

Recently, the CPOR received notice of achieving accreditation at Level II. In addition to the required number of trees and shrubs needed for this level (100+), one of the requirements for Level II, is an increased emphasis on education. The CPOR will fulfill this requirement by:

1) Developing one newly self-guided tour developed annually.
2) Holding an annual event pertaining to the collections of trees and shrubs in the
 arboretum. This year, we will do an event in September.
3) Offering tours of the garden, led by volunteers, when requested. These are
 scheduled through the Park of Roses Foundation.
4) Posting a quarterly blog focused on the arboretum.
5) Posting information about the arboretum in the kiosks quarterly.
6) Posting bi-monthly on Facebook to provide information about the trees and shrubs.

We hope this increased emphasis on education will provide the public with information to enhance enjoyment of the CPOR and increase visitors’ knowledge of trees, shrubs and the role they play in the environment and home landscapes.

One thought on “A Reason to Celebrate: New Arboretum Accreditation

  • June 25, 2023 at 3:13 pm

    I just read Karen Martens article in the Sunday Columbus Dispatch about the letter she received for Patricia Wynn Brown’s . Even though Ms. Wynn Brown my not volunteer, I will volunteer, in fact you will find me in the perennial garden with all my tools ready to help on July 5th at 8:30 AM.

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