On March 22, 2022, U.S. Senators Rob Portman and Mazie Hirono introduced a bipartisan resolution, which the U.S. Senate approved, designating April as National Native Plant Month.

“From stabilizing soil and filtering air and water, to providing shelter and food for wildlife, native plants play an indispensable role in supporting resilient ecosystems as well as in our everyday lives,” said Portman. “This bipartisan resolution highlights the importance of native plants and celebrates our rich ecological heritage here in Ohio and across the nation.”

The Columbus Park of Roses, in partnership with the Northview Buckeye Garden Club, which supports the Perennial Garden, is helping to educate the public about Ohio native plants. They began last year to permanently affix the Ohio Native Plant symbol to labels for trees, shrubs, vines and herbaceous plants throughout the gardens.

Image result for ohio native plant symbol

Ohio has more than 1,800 native plants. The Ohio Division of National Resources and the Ohio Native Plant Month websites are excellent resources to learn more about our native plants.

Watch for the Ohio Native Plant symbol throughout the gardens