You don’t need to venture far to enjoy nature’s annual show as the seasons change and panoramas of green turn to a palette of brilliant reds, oranges and yellows.



The 13-acre Columbus Park of Roses includes 138 varieties and cultivars of trees and shrubs priming for their autumnal performance. More than a mile of paved, winding paths through the gardens adds to the pleasant experience of strolling and admiring the colors. A number of Columbus Park of Roses trees pre-date the garden’s formation in 1953, and specimens are added annually.

Among the garden’s outstanding collections, which provide year-round interest, are: Dogwoods, Japanese Maples, Ginkos, Pines, Hydrangeas and Witch Hazels. The Columbus Park of Roses achieved arboretum accreditation in 2016. This official designation was granted by ArbNet, an organization that maintains the only international program of arboreta accreditation. Most trees and shrubs in the Columbus Park of Roses are labeled with both their botanical and common names. A printable list of trees and shrubs as well as their location in the garden is posted here.