Annual Fall Rose Cutback Saturday, November 18, 8:30 am Volunteer office at south end of shelter house Bring gloves, hand pruners or long handled lopper It’s time to prune roses for the winter. The public is invited to help Columbus
The Big Give Gave Big to Park of Roses Foundation
2017 Big Give The Big Give is a semi-annual campaign by the Columbus Foundation to raise funds for central Ohio nonprofits. Donations during the two day giving window in early October produced a record number of donors and financial support
Park of Roses Peak Bloom Season Arrives Early This Year
The mild winter and warm temperatures are bringing an early peak rose season to the Park of Roses. Garden staff and volunteers noticed in April that the predictable order of roses blooming was the same, but fully two weeks earlier
Celebrate Arbor Day with a walk in the Columbus Park of Roses
This year’s National Arbor Day is Friday, April 28 Yes, the Columbus Park of Roses is also an accredited arboretum! Planted with more than 140 different tree and shrub species, the park was awarded this designation by the international ArbNet
Park of Roses Breaks Ground for New Entrance
Trees and plants in the park are just leafing out, but ideas for improvements are in full bloom. The Park of Roses Foundation announced the building of a new entrance to the rose garden, in partnership with Columbus Recreation