This is the time of year when many perennials that were rather nondescript during the summer “strut their stuff.” Other plants’ blooms have faded, and the trees are yet to put on their show of autumn colors. It’s against this muted backdrop that the brilliance of these fall perennials stands out.

Make sure you check out these two gardens in particular during your Columbus Park of Roses visit:

On the west side of the Shelterhouse terrace, the large bed of native plants — those indigenous to Ohio, largely self-sustaining and hosts for pollinators — was redesigned to now incorporate 15 varieties. Seen here is the earlier blooming Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum). Early Americans harnessed the medicinal powers of Anise Hyssop and found that Anise Hyssop worked as a cough suppressant, fever reducer, and sore throat ameliorator.

Also found in the native plant bed is Goldenrod (Solidago rigida). This plant will self seed, but isn’t invasive. It is a great nectar plant for pollinators. Stiff Goldenrod grows in a range of conditions from clay to dry sand. it is an important source of nectar for many pollinators and the flowers are favorite of Monarch butterflies as they fuel-up for their fall migration. The stems serve as perches for songbirds, and the seeds are an important late season bird food.

The Perennial Garden, located on the south side of the Formal Rose Garden and west of the Herb Garden, is also a showcase of color surprises this time of year. You may notice the Autumn Joy Sedum (Hylotelephium telephium). This plant prefers sun, will grow in a variety of soils and tolerates drought. These are shorter than they would be had the deer not browsed on them all summer.


In the same area of the Perennial Garden, you will find the Winterberry Holly (Ilex verticillata) full of berries which will stand out in the winter after the leaves fall from the shrub. Berries form on flowers of a female plant which is pollinated by a male plant in the vicinity. This deciduous shrub is native to Eastern US. It likes acid soil.

Enjoy your Columbus Park of Roses visit!