Witch Hazel collection is a dazzling display

If you need a mid-winter “pick-me-up”, stop by the Columbus Park of Roses to see the Witch Hazel collection now in bloom.

Many of the 16 trees in the collection are showing off their spidery blooms in an array of bright, warm tones. And if you’re lucky, you’ll catch a whiff of their wonderful citrus fragrance.

The collection is located on the north side of the Columbus Park of Roses — south of the service road and west of the Formal Rose Garden’s long mall. 

Two of the several varieties are shown here: Strawberries & Cream on the left and Rubin on the right.










For fascinating information on this extraordinary small tree, check out this Website:

2 thoughts on “Now in Bloom at the Columbus Park of Roses

  • March 10, 2019 at 5:11 pm

    Do you have a way to find a dedicated bed based on the name of the person to whom it is dedicated?

    • March 11, 2019 at 3:59 pm

      Not sure if you got our response. We would need a name to be able to track the site of the dedicated bed.

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