design of new Park of Roses entrance

Artist’s rendering of new entrance.


Trees and plants in the park are just leafing out, but ideas for improvements are in full bloom. The Park of Roses Foundation announced the building of a new entrance to the rose garden, in partnership with Columbus Recreation and Parks Department. The foundation provides financial support to the garden and oversees the volunteer program, through the Friends of Columbus Park of Roses group.

The new entrance (near north end of the shelter house) will consist of ten stone columns connected by decorative iron fence. The fence panels will support climbing roses. The 6 feet tall and 2 feet square columns will contain two plaques – one with an inspirational garden quotation and the other with the donor’s name.

The foundation announced that all ten columns have been dedicated by donors who want to create timeless gifts in a unique garden. Several donors are Clintonville institutions. Anand Saha, owner of Mozart’s Cafe, said “the Park of Roses is a wonderful asset to our community, enriching our neighborhood by providing a beautiful space. Mozart’s and the Saha family are proud to be a part of its continuing legacy.”

Experience Clintonville president Olivera Bratich commented that “the Park of Roses is a jewel of our community and Experience Clintonville is proud to help ensure it is around for many generations to come.”

Expected completion date is spring, 2017. The total cost of the project is estimated at $50,000, but two thirds of that amount is offset by the dedicated columns. Additional funds are being sought to cover the costs of decorative fencing, flowering trees and additional roses. To discuss donor opportunities for this project, contact Nancy Walsh at (614) 645-3391 or

Volunteer Season About to Begin

The volunteer gardening season will start again on Saturday, March 18, with the annual Spring Pruning. Most of the thousands of roses need to be pruned before they leaf out. Current volunteers and members of the public are invited to help Columbus Recreation and Parks Department staff with this task. Meet at 8:30 am in the volunteer office (in south end of shelter house). Light refreshments will be available.

This three-hour event marks the beginning of the active volunteer year that continues through mid-September and concludes with the fall cutback in late November. Weekly volunteer groups will start working in April.

Everyone is advised to dress according to the weather, since work will continue unless it is raining. Bring gloves and hand pruners if you have them. There are Staff gardeners will provide rakes,tarps and brooms for other jobs. If weather is uncertain on Saturday, March 18, call 614-592-4492 after 7:30 am to confirm whether the Spring Pruning event will be held or canceled.