On display for our nation’s July 4th celebration and throughout the summer months, the gardens put on a real show of color and fragrance.

As you stroll through the gardens, treat yourself to the unique panorama of the Formal Rose Garden from the observation tower. Of course, you can find red, white and even bluish rose varieties. And, if you are looking for “red, white and blue” elsewhere, be sure to stop by the Perennial Garden and Herb Garden to admire the bee balm with its brilliant red blooms – each resembling a miniature spray of fireworks. In the Herb Garden, you can also inhale the soothing scent of lavender and spicy aroma of thyme.






This garden is a wonderful place to stroll under the canopy of shade on hot summer days. There are also many benches if you need a place to rest or visit with a friend. You can visit on Sunday evenings and also attend a free concert from 7:00-8:00 p.m., sponsored by the Civitan Club of North Columbus. Concerts are in the bandstand on the south side of the garden. Bring your own lawn chairs, blanket or sit on the bleachers.