The bright yellow daffodils, forsythia and Cornus mas are attracting attention at the Park of Roses this week. Two stunning shows of daffodils can be seen in the Perennial Garden and beyond the new wrought iron fence near the Earth Kind Garden (pictured here). Forsythia is throughout the park. 

Last month, we mentioned that the Cornus mas, commonly called Cornelian Cherry Dogwood and seen to the left, was about to bloom. Well, it is still in bloom! You will see the tree seen here on the south edge of the park as you enter the park by the shelter house.

If you look closely, there are other less mature Cornus mas on the perimeter of the park on the south eastern edge. It’s common name is based on its fruit which looks like cherries, which we will see in late summer. It produces the largest berries of the Cornus (dogwood) genus.

People often think the Park of Roses offers little more than roses. But, clearly, those who visit the park frequently, know differently!