Please join us for a fun Tree Walk and Talk.  We will meet in the Volunteer Office on the south end of the shelter house on May 25 at 11:30 am. The walk with tea and cookies will begin in the Volunteer Office, and then we will walk in the garden, learning about the many wonderful trees found there from arborists.

You may remember that the Columbus Park of Roses was accredited as a Level 1 Arboretum by Arbnet in 2016.  The park has over 138 varieties of trees and shrubs. So often, they are probably overlooked as people are busy admiring the various garden areas in the park. However, if you look carefully, you will notice that the trees and shrubs provide the frame for the all the areas in the garden. Recently, all the flowering trees provided quite a show themselves!

Plan to spend some time in the park and learn more about the wonderful trees within it.