We have a growing collection of witch hazel shrubs. Some of them are getting to a good size and are in full bloom now. The origin of these witch hazel plants is Asia. Native witch hazel blooms in the fall. The Columbus Park of Roses has a large native witch hazel shrub in a different area of the garden.
The collection is located between the Formal Rose Garden’s long mall and the service road on the north. This collection is indicated on the garden maps in our brochure and the three kiosks.
Witch hazel plants are among the earliest of flowering plants in the spring. As well, the native witch hazel blooms into December in the fall.
The flowers are in shades of yellow, orange and red. They are very delicate and bloom before the leaves from the previous season drop.
Here are a few pictures of the ones in bloom now. We hope you take time while in the park to enjoy this very early taste of spring.